
Monday, December 8, 2014

What to Wear on First Dates!

The most searched fashion question on the internet is "what do I wear on a first date?" and I'm finally ready to answer it.
There are, of course, many different situations and branches, per se, for this topic. For example, what you may wear to a fall coffee date versus what you may wear going to a carnival in the spring or a fancy restaurant in the summer are completely different!

First, show off the thing you love about yourself. You'll look great and feel it too. For this girl, it's the legs.

Heels on first dates? How about.. Yes! Of course it depends on the date, but if you want to wear heels, go for it! It's not like he's going to get any taller on your second date. Your outfit is making you feel your best, remember?

Keep it classy! If it's just a general date, wear something cute, but almost work appropriate. 

Dress up, not down! It's a lot better to be a little too dressed up rather than the other way around.

  • Don't wear all black. I know it may seem like the fault proof choice, but it's boring! Show a little "you" with some colors you love!
  • Don't try a new outfit/trend: You should be both physically comfortable and comfortable with your clothes. You don't want to be tugging on that mini skirt you so-shouldn't-have-bought while you could have been having a good time... Try something you love and are comfortable wearing.
  • Don't go low-cut. You may think that extra little tint of attention may be the key to a second date, but not every guy is like that, Girlies!You can get a mid low cut, sure, but don't let him forget you are a high class lady!
  • Don't lather on perfume... Even if you're super nervous and may want to smell great, don't overwhelm the guy by smelling like a field of flowers. One rose is enough to smell, yeah? Less is more.
 I'll next do some basic situations that you may know your date will be.. So, if you know your date will be...

Formal: The LONG black dress.. I know I just told you not to wear all black, but for a formal occasion, it works. Accessorize in the metals of your choice.  Keep to one though, so all silver or all gold, etc.

Cocktail hour: Cocktail dress, duh! I personally think something short and comfy is the perfect choice.

Casual: It's all you, Girl! Wear something you love and feel confident in, that's the most important thing. Dress in clothes that aren't faded and all that, and dress up just a little for the occasion. Again, blazers are perfect for the happy medium.
Coffee Date: A great pair of jeans. Heels if you want and a nice shirt. Bam, easy, done! Also, um, how do I get my stomach to look like this.

Movie Date: You're looking for comfy. You're stuck in those movie theater seats for at least an hour an a half, don't ruin your date by spending the entire time trying to find a comfortable position in that new, tight leather jacket you bought! Jeans, a nice shirt and heels are perfect. Also, major points if you sneak some candy in through your rockin' purse. 
Lunch Date: Again with the blazer and button down.. Cute, casual and complimenting.


Spring: A nice skirt (like above), shirt and heels. Bring a jacket if you need to (or just to pull your look together) and enjoy your time. You're cute, confident and a little dressed up... He'll love it.

Summer: Your favorite summer dress! and heels... And whatever accesoires you like, depending on where you're going. If you're headed to a concert, you'll be sick of those super fab bracelets by the end of the night, they're heavy. Also, this outfit? Super chic. Look at those colors, that clean cut and those shoes. Gorgeous.

Fall: Skirts and Tights. Scarf it up if you want, or glam it up with your fav necklace. But basically tuck your shirt into a skirt (add belt if you want) with tights and maybe a pair of heels or ankle boots.. Or booties, my favorite.

Winter: It's all about that coat. (thanks to Meghan Trainor for creating a song that gets stuck in my head every time I say "all about that" ... You're the death of me, Girl.) Pick your favorite coat and show some legs (or wear some rocking jeans) to get a clean, crisp look.