
Thursday, July 31, 2014

FALL in Love with Autumn Trends (and Learn How to Rock Them!)

Alright girls, here we are again.Summer is at it's end and unfortunately, we are left with the bittersweet remains: Fall.So, I've too often heard something along the lines of "Yes! Fall! I can finally wear loose sweaters and leggings and uggs!"
Girl, no. Just because it's fall, doesn't mean you get an excuse to look bad, to give up. So, Here's a post about how to look fantastic in fall and avoid my least favorite thing about the season (besides the lovely allergies): Frumpy Fall Fashion.

1. Knit Sweaters. I'm Knit kidding. These babies are trending, and super easy to pull off. I'm going into chunky sweaters later, but for the knit, since it has a pattern usually, try not to pair it with another one. One of my most basic rules of fashion is to have just one pattern per outfit (or at least three, if you want that mixed and matched chic) so just keep the attention on that sweater! If your sweater isn't loose (if it IS, see chunky sweaters) just pair it with a nice(pair of rolled up)jeans and a pair of sneakers, or, if it's chilly out, some boots and even leg warmers.I honestly like tight sweaters that are feminine to outline your shape.

2. Exaggerated bagginess. I mean, we all love that heavinly, comfortable, loose sweater tucked into our closets, but who knew that lazy day could suddenly be *gasp* fashionable? Well, girls, As Jenna Marbles (Youtube "comidian, " definatly gets girls like us.) would say Boo Boo, I got you. Since I'l be, again, covering chunky sweaters, this one doesn't need much explanation. Just keep it cute by sliding it over your shoulder and keeping it in good shape (Otherwise you'll look like you've been "What, What" Thriftshopping.) and you'll be golden.

3. Fur. Fur real? I know. For fur  (Try saying that three times fast!) just make sure to remember that less is more. Fur, on it's own, is a statement! So, maybe that pink fur coat to your knees really does look like cotton candy, and you should really get the chic black mini jacket... Also made of fur. Personally, I like just a touch such as a vest or scarf.

4. Turtle Neck. The exaggerated turtle neck is also in, but most of us will end up with just this simple classic. For this one, I'd say, like the model, get it cut around the top of your jeans. Since the neckline is already loose, you're going to want just that peak of skin to balance it out. Baggy turtle necks are in as well, so again, see the chunky. I personally prefer the hip cuts though! You're, like I've said before, are going to want to keep that feminine cut.

5. Sneakers. The ultimate casual shoe that has somehow crossed to the fashionista side! Pair these loves with something feminine, bottom line. If it's those lacy flares, cute skirt (like in the pic) or some tight skinnies, anything like that will work. I suggest girly because shoes like converse are co-ed, and just a little touch will make a difference!

6. Cuffed Jeans. All of you who have been reading my posts (thank you!) know that I am a big fan of this look. It's easy, casual, and super cute! Just pair your cuffed jeans with a (girly) shirt and some sneakers, heels, booties, or flats!

7. Cardigans. If you want the maximum chicness (did I really just say that?) go with a nuetral colored cardigan with a pop of color somewhere! For example, one of my favorites is a black cardigan, black cuffed skinnies, a black tank and a  bright pink (like the pic) belt with sneakers. All the neutral with just one pop.

8. Skirts with.. I don't know what you girls call it, but I call it pantyhose or nylons. If you really want to wear that cute spring outfit, but it's a tad too chilly, slide on a pair of these babes! Also, a life saver for that morning you forget to shave. Just go with plain for everything else if you are going with the polka dots, which, I am now inspired to buy a pair of!

9. Fashion scarves. These sweets are just made of a light material (Polyester) that will keep you looking hot, but not so hot as in temp. I love to pair mine (I have at least twenty in my closet at this moment.) with a plain shirt so they can soak up all the attention! If it's neutral , you can go with a fellow neutral that matches (white and black usually work well!) like this girl with an eye catching jacket (I own all the items in this pic! Woah.) or if it's colored, go with a plain background and a chic jacket, such as the black leather.

10. Leather jackets! Speaking of the devils...Leather is always a chic, dressy casual, I'm-trying-but-not-too-hard, go -to fabric that has been my trademark since the sixth grade! So, if you wanna rock this rocking look, the most important thing (besides your smile of course) is too wear a great pair of skinny's!  You can wear a sweater under neath as well, a fashion scarf, with combat boots, with  a skirt, cuffed jeans, nearly anything.

My personal go to outfit is a black leather jacket, a feminine top with flow, a belt around my high waist (thinnest part of my body), cuffed black skinny's, and a cute pair of flats. Perfect for fall!

11. MOST IMPORTANTLY: THE CHUNKY SWEATER! I know, I had to put that in all caps to make sure everyone saw the high light of this post, not that they aren't all important...

Anyways, the sweater. I'll give you some rules and statements, since there is just so much:
1. Keep it tight! Not the sweater, but everything surrounding it should be fitted to keep you looking like you did  it on purpose, not just went thrift-shopping or forgot to do your laundry.

2.Keep the sweater of a light color (cream is my favorite) and all around it dark!

3. Take care of it! You don't want your chunky sweater looking like, again, the thrift shop or laundry situation.

4. Keep it girly! Nothing looks better (I'm sorry if I offend anyone here: girls should dress masculine if they please, I get that..It's just my opinion.) than a girl looking girly and great in her shape. So if you want to keep your shape, belt the middle around the thinnest part of your body.

5.Keep the surrounding fabrics really shiny and chic. Leather is your best option! This should balance everything out for you!

Well girls, that's it! I hope this gives you a bit of help while trying to dress cute for fall. You've got this!

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Stay Fabulous

P.S. I recently was given the option of making money from putting ads on this blog, which I turned down. So please enjoy the sweet freedom of no ads and fashion together! Could it get any better? No.

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